


- Yiting Feng, Ye Zhou, Hann Woei Ho, Hongyang Dong, Xiaowei Zhao, Online adaptive critic designs with tensor product B-splines and incremental model techniques, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 107357, 2024. ([Link])

- Hann Woei Ho, Ye Zhou, Yiting Feng, and Guido C.H.E. de Croon, Optical Flow-based Control for Micro Air Vehicles: An Efficient Data-driven Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Approach, Autonomous Robots, 48, 22, 2024. ([Link])

- Weijie Kuang, Hann Woei Ho, Ye Zhou, Shahrel Azmin Suandi, Farzad Ismail, A Comprehensive Review on Tree Detection Methods Using Point Cloud and Aerial Imagery from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 227, 109476, 2024. ([Link])

- Yiting Feng, Ye Zhou, Hann Woei Ho, Reinforcement learning based robust tracking control for unmanned helicopter with state constraints and input saturation, Aerospace Science and Technology, 109549, 2024. ([Link])

- Ho, H. W., & Zhou, Y., Frontal Target Approaching and Height Control of Micro Air Vehicles using Multi-perspective Optical Flow Observables, in IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 2024 (CASE 2024) (Bari, Italy, 2024), pp. 3754-3759. ([Link])

- W, Hu, Y. Zhou, H. W. Ho, Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Noisy N-Step Dueling Double Deep Q-Network and Prioritized Experience Replay, Electronics, 13(12), 2024. ([Link])


- H. W. Ho, Y. Zhou, Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion based Optical Flow Control for Flying Robots: An Efficient Data-driven Approach, in Robotics: Science and Systems, 2023 (RSS 2023) (Daegu, Republic of Korea, 2023) ([Link])

- Zhi Wei Lee, Wai Hoe Chin, and Hann Woei Ho, Air-to-air Micro Air Vehicle Interceptor with an Embedded Mechanism and Deep Learning, Aerospace Science and Technology, 108192, 2023. ([Link])

- Yiting Feng, Ye Zhou, Hann Woei Ho, Nor Ashidi Mat Isa, Reinforcement learning control with function approximation via multivariate simplex splines, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2023. ([Link])

- H. Jiang, Y. Zhou, H. W. Ho, E. A. Bakar, Modeling of two-stroke aviation piston engines for control applications, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 15(2), 16878132231153234, 2023. ([Link])

- Y. Zhou, Efficient Online Globalized Dual Heuristic Programming with an Associated Dual Network, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, online, 2023. ([Link])


- Ye Zhou and Hann Woei Ho, Online robot guidance and navigation in non-stationary environment with hybrid Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 114, 105152, 2022. ([Link])

- Poh Ling Ching, Shu Chuan Tan, Hann Woei Ho, Ultra-wideband Localization and Deep Learning based Plant Monitoring using Micro Air Vehicles, AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 1-12, 2022. ([Link])

- N.A.M. Yussof and H.W. Ho, Review of Water Leak Detection Methods in Smart Building Applications, Buildings, 12(10):1535, 2022. ([Link])

- H. Jiang, Y. Zhou, H. W. Ho, Aerodynamic Design and Evaluation of a Ducted Fan Lift System for VTOL Flying Cars, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 09576509221106395, 2022. ([Link])

- J. Chen, X. Lan, Y. Zhou, J. Liang. Formation Control with Connectivity Assurance for Missile Swarms by a Natural Co-Evolutionary Strategy, Mathematics, 10(22), 2022.


- Y. Zhou, H. W. Ho, Q. Chu, Extended Incremental nonlinear dynamic inversion for optical flow control of micro air vehicles, Aerospace Science and Technology, 106889, 2021. ([Link])

- H. Y. Lee, H. W. Ho, Y. Zhou, Deep learning-based monocular obstacle avoidance for unmanned aerial vehicle navigation in tree plantations, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 101(1):1-18, 2021. ([Link])

- Seng Man Wong, Hann Woei Ho, Mohd Zulkifly Abdullah, Design and fabrication of a dual rotor-embedded wing vertical take-off and landing unmanned aerial vehicle, Unmanned Systems, 9(01): 45-63, 2021. ([Link])


- Y. Zhou, E. van Kampen, and Q. P. Chu, Incremental model based online heuristic dynamic programming for nonlinear adaptive tracking control with partial observability, Aerospace Science and Technology, 105, 2020. ([Link])


- B.H. Cheaw, H. W. Ho, E. Abu Bakar, Wing design, fabrication, and analysis for an X-wing flapping-Wing micro air vehicle, Drones, 3: 65, 2019. ([Link])

- A. Janarthanan, H. W. Ho, L. Gopal, V. Shanmugam, and W. K. Wong, An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Framework Design for Autonomous Flight Path, in International Conference on Smart Computing & Communications 2019 (ICSCC 2019) (Sarawak, Malaysia, 2019) p. 1-5. ([Link])

- Pedro Miguel Dias, Ye Zhou, Erik-Jan Van Kampen, Intelligent Nonlinear Adaptive Flight Control using Incremental Approximate Dynamic Programming, AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, (San Diego, California, 2019) (AIAA 2019-2339). ([Link])

- Y. Zhou, E. van Kampen, and Q. P. Chu, Hybrid Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for online guidance and navigation with partial observability, Neurocomputing, 331, p. 443-457, 2019 Feb 28. ([Link])


- H. W. Ho, G. C. H. E. de Croon, E. van Kampen, Q. P. Chu, and M. Mulder, Adaptive gain control strategy for constant optical flow divergence landing, IEEE transactions on robotics, 34(2):508-516, 2018. ([Link])

- H. W. Ho, C. De Wagter, B. D. W. Remes, and G. C. H. E. de Croon, Optical-flow based self-supervised learning of obstacle appearance applied to MAV landing, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 100:78-94, 2018. ([Link])

- Y. Zhou, E. van Kampen, and Q. P. Chu, Incremental approximate dynamic programming for nonlinear adaptive tracking control with partial observability, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 41(12), p.2554-2567, 2018. ([Link])

- Y. Zhou, E. van Kampen, and Q. P. Chu, Incremental model based online dual heuristic programming for nonlinear adaptive control, Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 73, p. 13-25, 2018. ([Link])


- H. W. Ho, G. C. H. E. de Croon, and Q. P. Chu, Distance and velocity estimation using optical flow from a monocular camera, International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, 9(3):198-208, 2017. ([Link])

- H. W. Ho, Autonomous landing of Micro Air Vehicles through bio-inspired monocular vision, Delft University of Technology, 2017. ISBN: 978-94-6186-818-3 ([Link])

- Y. Zhou, E. van Kampen, and Q. P. Chu, Adaptive spacecraft attitude control with incremental approximate dynamic programming, in 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Adelaide, Australia, 2017.

- Y. Zhou, E. van Kampen, and Q. P. Chu, Launch vehicle adaptive flight control with incremental model based heuristic dynamic programming, in 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Adelaide, Australia, 2017.

- Y. Zhou, E. van Kampen, Q. P. Chu. Nonlinear Adaptive Flight Control Using Incremental Approximate Dynamic Programming and Output Feedback, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 40, No. 2, p. 493-500, 2017. ([Link])


- H. W. Ho, G. C. H. E. de Croon, and Q. P. Chu, Distance and velocity estimation using optical flow from a monocular camera, in International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Competition 2016 (IMAV 2016) (Beijing, PR of China, 2016) p. 121-128. [Best Paper Award Finalist] ([Link])

- H.W. Ho and G. C. H. E. de Croon, Characterization of flow field divergence for MAVs vertical control landing, in AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (San Diego, California, USA, 2016) p. 0106. ([Link])

- Y. Zhou, E. van Kampen, and Q. P. Chu, Incremental model based heuristic dynamic programming for nonlinear adaptive flight control, International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2016, Beijing, China, 2016, pp. 173-180. ([Link])

- Y. Zhou, E. van Kampen, and Q. P. Chu, Autonomous navigation in partially observable environments using hierarchical q-learning, International micro air vehicle competition and conference 2016, Beijing, China, 2016, pp. 70-76. ([Link])

- Y. Zhou, E. van Kampen, and Q. P. Chu. An incremental approximate dynamic programming flight controller based on output feedback, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (San Diego, California, USA, 2016) (AIAA 2016-0360). ([Link]( ([Link])

- J. Junell, T. Mannucci, Y. Zhou, and E. van Kampen, Self-tuning Gains of a Quadrotor using a Simple Model for Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (San Diego, California, USA, 2016) (AIAA 2016-1387). ([Link]( ([Link])


- H. W. Ho, C. De Wagter, B. D. W. Remes, and G. C. H. E. de Croon, Optical flow for self-supervised learning of obstacle appearance, in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2015 (IROS 2015) (IEEE, Hamburg, Germany, 2015). ([Link])

- Y. Zhou, E. van Kampen, Q. P. Chu. Incremental Approximate Dynamic Programming for Nonlinear Flight Control Design, Proceedings of the 3rd CEAS EuroGNC: Specialist Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control, Toulouse, France, 13-15 April 2015


- G. C. H. E. de Croon, H. W. Ho, C. De Wagter, E. van Kampen, B. D. W. Remes, and Q. P. Chu, Optic-flow based slope estimation for autonomous landing, International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, 5(4):287–298, 2013. ([Link])

- G. C. H. E. de Croon, H. W. Ho, C. De Wagter, E. van Kampen, B. D. W. Remes, and Q. P. Chu, Optic-flow based slope estimation for autonomous landing, in International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Competition 2013 (IMAV 2013) (Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile, Toulouse, France, 2013). ([Link])

- H. W. Ho, Q. P. Chu, Automatic Landing System of a Quadrotor UAV Using Visual Servoing, in CEAS EuroGNC conference 2013 (Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2013). [Best Graduate Student Paper Award] ([Link])